Hear It From Our Customers!

I was recently on a ski trip in Montana where I was able to use your product. I often suffer from altitude sickness and one of the only remedies is hydration. In order to truly test out your product I was able to wear the patch both while flying and skiing. In both cases I could feel a difference or at least did not feel sick or dehydrated as I often do.

Paul S.

As a retired professional baseball player who played catcher, I wish the
Hydra Patch® was around while I was playing. During my workouts, whether hiking or out for a jog, the Hydra Patch® helps me maintain hydration without having to stop and get a drink. I truly believe that athletes looking to stay hydrated during workouts and hours after-the Hydra Patch® is the way to go.

Jim Leyritz

2 -Time World Series Champion

There are few things in fitness performance that impress me. I’ve tried all the pre-workouts, fat burners, energy drinks, you name it. But something like the HydraPatch® has never existed before. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to step up their training and recovery.

Tony W.

Competitive Bodybuilder

HydraPatch® delivered above and beyond it's stated mission to provide
"essential nutrients" during activity. As a high-performance coach of
over 20+ years,
and one who has spent years independently studying nutrition to
understand absorption and cellular effects on athletes, the HydraPatch®
is the answer to my research. 

James D.


“As someone who struggles with POTS and EDS, my body doesn’t absorb essential elements from water therefore requiring me to consume double the amount of water than others. I find it hard to chug water and electrolyte drinks due to nausea and fatigue or other symptoms. I stopped IV therapy due to the cost. Taking electrolyte capsules is great, but I can’t remember to take them multiple times a day. Within the first night of trying HydraPatch®, I felt less fatigued, was hydrated (clear urine), had less dizzy spells, and felt overall better. I’ve used it for three days now and I am sold on its benefits. It’s easy and my skin doesn’t react to the adhesive (which never happens). It allows my body to absorb the electrolytes it needs that is difficult to get any other way. So many people with chronic illnesses struggle with the hydration factor for similar reasons.”

Jessica T.

“I am an ultramarathoner and transcending to journey running, multiday endurance events. I live and train in Florida. I heat train. I am also a registered nurse. When I found this brand and transdermal system, I thought it was a "voodoo product" meaning a product that seems great in theory but delivered little. But as a nurse, I know that medicines can be transdermal quite effectively - pain meds, hormones- but I had never considered electrolytes. I tried it during heat training for 100 mile races in Florida.  I believe it works. I recently ran Last Annual Vol State and helped resurrect a few runners that were down in the heat. I call them "my secret weapon" as I am very judicious in offering them to fellow runners in need or using them myself”

Martha M.
  1. “I am currently training for an Ultra Marathon, which will be held on September 21, 2024.  I started using HydraPatch® several months ago, and I love it.  It has been a total game changer for me.  I belong to a large running group in the Kansas City area, and have told many fellow runners about the patch and my success”!

Lisa F.

  1. “I can’t give the HydraPatch® enough credit! That’s the first race I didn’t finish 

completely dehydrated! Both my husband and I got a PR! We’re stoked! My husband will be using the third patch this weekend at the Cheaha 50k ultra trail race in Cheaha, AL. I was amazed at how well I felt during the race and post race. You’ve definitely got a good product here! I’m usually sensitive to adhesive so this surprised me that I had zero reaction to the adhesive! You’ve got a great thing going!"

Kayla W.

 “I love the patches! They have made summer marathon training safe and effective”!

Ronni P.

“Your customer service might be as impressive as your product. Thank you so much! I just placed another order. I also want to tell you I did my 20 mile training run today without the patch because I was conserving them and despite the fact that it was 15° cooler than it’s been on most of my recent long runs I feel completely dehydrated and in a mental fog now. Just some further anecdotal proof that your product works”.

Errol I.

“My name is Tim Skipper, I have been racing ultra cycling events for some time. In fact, I am RAAM Hall of Fame racer, at 22 completed more RAAM races than any other, and have more RAAM records and wins than any other racer. Saying all this allows me to comment on what works for me. Prior to RAAM this year I tested the HydraPatch® during my smart trainer work outs and my outside training rides. I found that I felt more confident that my body had what it needed for the race. My results during the race, at temperatures of 125 degrees F were positive; no cramps, no heat related issues”.

Tim S.

“I just wanted to give you more feedback from this weekend's World Championships for Outrigger OC1 paddling that happened in Honolulu. My husband pulled off the win and was wearing the HydraPatch® on the live feed (with roughly 8k viewers)”.

Angie D.

“I just wanted to reach out and say your product is amazing! I’m a semi professional marathon runner who is trying to qualify for the Olympics I just ran my 2nd marathon and raced in the elite professional field and ran a personal best of 2:29:43. I usually tend to cramp up in longer distances, I wore your product and didn’t cramp up at all”.

John L.

"My soccer team used the HydraPatch® during an Arizona high school quarter-finals state game last Saturday at noon, which was a big change for us as all of the games were previously at night. This was the first game in the sun & heat in months. The game went to overtime, and we beat the defending state champions who were ranked #2 in the state. Our school also hasn't beaten our opponent in 10 years! Our players give a ton of credit to the HydraPatch® - no one crammed up and we kept up with a bigger, more physical team for 100+ minutes!"

Paul R. 

“Very excited about HydraPatch’s® success.  My current coach is a multi-Kona professional world champion.  I just told her about my excellent experience on my long Ironman training ride this weekend in the heat with the HydraPatch®”

Maria S. 

“I wore the patch for the first time today which was quite a busy day for me and included 4.5 mile run in the heat in the middle of the day. I was impressed! So, one thing is when I run in the summer, especially on hotter days, I find myself with dry mouth by the end of the run and normally very thirsty. Oddly enough today, I got done and didn't have water for like 30 minutes and I realized I did not drink water immediately. I am definitely a believer and I do want to keep trying them!"

Parker K.

“I put the patch on about an hour before I started my 12-mile run; I placed it on my left shoulder. The adhesive is fantastic and stayed fixed the whole time. Coincidently I had issues with my camelback and couldn’t get any water but I finished with no significant muscle issues and wasn’t really sore the next day. Great Product”!

Jeff C.

“I have Crohn's disease and use these patches to assist with my hydration - and more importantly, the extreme Charley horses that I suffer from. I look forward to receiving my next order! Excellent Customer Service”!

 Deb C. 

“Just got back from Sweden. Took some HydraPatch® with me. Had 3 races: 10km road, 5,000 m track, and 20km road. Used HydraPatch® for the 10 and 20km. In the 10km there was only a 7 second difference between the first and second 5km. Very pleased with that performance. The 20km was always my big concern. Really had not trained for that distance with all I had going on. Only went more than 10km in training twice since June. Had considered not even doing the 2okm.  Since I made a team for our age group felt I had to do it and goal was to finish. Very happy with my time as I went out faster than I had planned to not knowing what would happen during the 2nd 10km of the race. My finish was definitely faster than I was figuring it would be. My slowest 2 miles were the first 2. While I could definitely feel those later miles, I never felt like I was out of gas. Contribute a lot of my performance to using the HydraPatch®. I Have definitely become a believer . Shared my experience with several other friends. Especially one who really ran out of gas in the second 10km. Being careful though not to share too much with my competitors in my age group. Need any advantage I can get”.

Ray F. 

“I’m a physical therapist, run coach, and runner training for my next half marathon! Every runner needs the HydraPatch®. I’ve been training to sub 1’40” the Jersey City Half and the HydraPatch® has been a crucial part of my training regimen”!

Katherine C. 

“I just finished Boxing practice. Normally I come from track practice and then box for another 2-hours. Normally I’m a little tired but the HydraPatch® definitely works because I still have a ton of energy”!

Joscelyn O

“Ran 11 Miles at my fastest pace yet and I’m a HUGE fan of the HydraPatch®”

Nicole J. 

“I rely on the HydraPatch® to support me on my long training runs, especially during these dog days of summer with brutal heat and humidity. The HydraPatch® helps lessen the fatigue on the run and shortens my recovery period”.

Peter D. 

I was able to break through my usual 40 mile wall with the HydraPatch®”

Joey C.

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Our Customers